هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

prevention of infection in dental clinic 1

اذهب الى الأسفل

prevention of infection in dental clinic 1 Empty prevention of infection in dental clinic 1

مُساهمة من طرف محمد المليجي الإثنين أكتوبر 13, 2008 11:27 pm

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
هذه مساعدة فى بحث prevention of viral infection المطلوب من الفرقة الاعدادي أرجو أن تفيدكم
ملحوظة يمكنك تحميل الموضوع كاملا من الرابط في أخر هذه الصفحة
ولا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
Prevent the spread of infection is important exercises in the area of dental and because exposure of patients and staff in the field of dentistry to the many microbes transmitted through blood and oral secretions and respiratory infections such as hepatitis (me) and (C), the human immunodeficiency virus ( AIDS), tuberculosis, microbes and bacteria cluster (Stafilecoqai) and Streptococcus suis (Streptukukai) and other viruses and bacteria. It should be noted that there are about 3 million Egyptian nationals were being treated annually in the dental clinics of the Ministry of Health and Population.

Ways of transmission in the dental clinics:
• direct exposure to blood and saliva and other secretions that arise during dental treatment.
• direct exposure to blood and body fluids through contaminated tools, equipment or surgical surrounding environmental surfaces.
• exposure to microbes through droplets from saliva or blood of patients or both when using the machine water or air or high-speed pulse or ultrasound device.

The nature of work in the field of dental workers has been the team's health and microbes for two main reasons:

• workers at dental routinely spray of blood and saliva spray Madmm, and there is a great chance of exposure to injuries during their dealings with several dental tools.
• often imperative for workers in dealing with dental Asernecat needles (syringes) and sharp tools in the field of vision is weak during the treatment.
The application of a set of strategies to prevent the spread of the infection in all health units would reduce the risk of infection in blood-borne diseases such as HIV (me) that causes hepatitis, HIV (AIDS), and where it is not possible to diagnose infected through Clinical history or clinical examination or through laboratory tests, so it must be seen as blood and saliva and other body secretions of patients loaded with microbes that cause diseases transmitted through blood, and therefore must follow a set of standard routine precautions when dealing with all patients dental clinic.

The risk of transmission of microbes through blood during dental treatment
Transmission from patients to health-care workers dental
Increase the risk of health-care workers in general dental wipes blood-borne (eg: viral, "B" and "C" emitters for hepatitis and HIV, "AIDS"), while the less the possibility of transmission of these viruses to their patients.
This is the method of transmission of events repeated dental clinics due to injuries acupuncture and sharp tools, and deal with such instruments without the use of safety precautions increase the chances of transmission, while the commitment to infection control practices with the vaccination against the virus (me) that causes Hepatitis considerably reducing the risk of transmission.

Transmission from health care workers to the patient's dental clinic
Despite the lack of opportunities for transmission through the blood of the health service to the patient, but many of the studies published in this area have registered cases of transmission Pfirose (me) and (C) emitters of hepatitis and HIV (AIDS) From dentists to their patients, and reports of this phenomenon is due mainly to lack the commitment to these doctors necessary protective precautions during their dealings with patients (in particular the use of gloves), is the commitment to infection control practices are leading to lower this risk.

Transmission from patient to patient
Have been reported cases of infectious microbes, which is transmitted by blood from a patient to another in many of the dental units, which mostly due to deficiencies in the practice of sterilization and cleansing and the use of single-use tools, is the commitment to infection control practices are limiting the risk .

Anti-pollution techniques in the dental clinic
Is proof methods of pollution from the basics of infection control practices in dentistry, working techniques to break the cycle of infection, and prevent cross-contamination.
The following are the main recommendations:
1. Washing hands carefully between the patient to another.
2. The use of protective clothing and techniques.

Clean hands
As is the practice in all medical facilities, the clean-hands play an important role in reducing the incidence of cross-contamination and prevent the spread of infection, enough to vote at the dental practice to clean hands with ordinary soap, while the recommended cleaning hands using disinfectants (Kalpitadin) or let alone the use of hands Alcohol and when to do surgical procedures in the mouth, such as causing a break in the gum tissues. If dirty hands were not visible, they can use alcohol hand rub instead of hand-washing. (For more information on the cleanliness of hands, please refer to the chapter entitled "clean hands" - Part I).

I am hand-washing:
• At the beginning of work on health laundering using a disinfectant solution
• wear a glove before.
• the patient to another.
• disarmed glove.
• When direct hand contact of the equipment or surfaces contaminated Before leaving the treatment.
• before and after eating.
• After using the toilet.
• at the end of the working day.

اضغط لتحميل الملف كاملا

محمد المليجي
عضو ذهبى
عضو ذهبى

المساهمات : 41
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/01/2008

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